Who are you Lord?

3rd week of Lent, cycle C
Gospel: LUKE 13 : 1 - 9

For this third week of Lent we are invited to cling to the main source of our divine nature - God himself through Jesus Christ. Though we recognize God as mystery it cannot be denied that He revealed himself in the scriptures as a just God and a merciful God.

As a just God, He hears the cry of the poor and the oppressed and comes to their rescue. This constitutes the entire history of Israel from slavery to freedom. "I am who am" is invoked in every generation by all people and He comes to our rescue by punishing the oppressor. God deserves all adoration and respect. Otherwise, we are belittling the King of heaven and earth. Justice will come upon us all.

But God is also a merciful God. Like the parable of the barren tree, he is willing to give everyone a chance to be fruitful by caring for us. Have you experienced being loved by someone enough for you to change for the better? We change for the better simply because God forgives us.

May God's justice and mercy be our focal point to adore, love, and serve Him.
