Become the Eucharist

Solemnity of Corpus Christi, cycle C

Pope Benedict, in his homily for the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, said, "Become the Eucharist."  For most church goers whose intention is simply to fulfill a Sunday obligation, how could the message of the Holy Father produce a lasting and most profound effect in their lives?

I am reminded of term "Eucharistic Spirituality".  Spirituality is the totality of what I believe in, what I share to others, and what I put my life into.  Spirituality reveals what is in my heart, who I am, and what my mission is in this world.  It reveals the fruit of my love for Jesus and His love for me.

Every aspect of the Eucharist has a direct bearing in my life.  That is why I have to pay attention to celebrate every moment most worthily.  Every word and action are invitations from a loving God that also become my words and actions outside the Church.  As I heard it said, "The Lord be with you," I am to remind the others, "and also with you."  As peace and forgiveness are given to me for free, so I give them freely and unreservedly to others.

Jesus in the Gospel said, "Give them something to eat."  That is the Eucharist.  I become the bread Christ wishes me to be.  He wants to feed others and bring them to life.  I need to offer myself, be lifted up, be broken, and to be given back to others just as Jesus did.

How I wish that there would be many of us to be bread for others.  That is the Eucharistic spirituality.  That eventually becomes the story of my life in the Lord.
