The wheel of fortune

26th Sunday in ordinary time
Cycle C

The "Wheel of fortune" may be a game show, but it also connotes a fatalistic attitude of relying on twist of fate.

However, the readings also declare a sort of twist for people who lived convenient comfortable and luxurious lives in this world at other people's expense.  If we have only one world, these people must have been collecting more than they could chew and much more: they are actually depriving others of the lives they are living.

Jesus commands us to share even the smallest bit of food that fall on the ground - all for the sake of our suffering brethren.  This is my advice: Don't think of the poor only in times of crisis or need.  Neither think of them only once a year.  And finally, don't think of a person as if he needed your change.  Think of the poor as being with us all through the centuries of corruption.  Include them in the agenda of life if we want to progress in this world.  And finally, he needs a sustainable program planned and implemented institutionalized system of giving tantamount to tithing will finally lift them up from their shackles.   Only then could we realize what Jesus meant when he said, "As long as you did this to the least of your brothers and sisters you did it to me." 
