Christmas Reflections

The Language of God

What language does God speak?" a man asked this question. He went to different different places to see what people thought would be the language of God.

"Ah, the language of God is that of power, like a king!" says a powerful politician. But the man was not contented.

He went to a military officer who said, "The language of God is that of strength, like a battalion!" But he was not contented with that either.

He continued to travel to different countries until he reached a poor village one, cold night. Only one bright star guided him towards a certain location, a stable. He went inside and behold, he saw a lady and a man beside her, and in front of them, a tiny baby wrapped in swaddling clothes.

The beautiful lady called the man by his first name who wondered, "How did you know my name?" The lady answered, "I know you even before and I know the question you seek to be answered. If you want to know the language of God. Then come closer."

The man, filled with awe and wonder, went closer till he stood before a tiny, helpless baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes. As he looked tenderly at the child, he felt warmth in his being and his heart was filled with joy.

The lady said,"Behold, how God speaks. He speaks the language of love."


Feast of the Holy Family

May our families imitate the Holy Family of Nazareth, which is

model-par- excellence. From them we can learn love, trust, respect, and growth.

The parents hold the key to forming their children's personalities. The constant threats of divorce, separation and abuses alienate our children from growing up with trust and strength. Mary and Joseph were always there for Jesus.

Children learn from their parents who have gone through a lot of trials to bring them up. Today, some children are more aggressive in disobeying and disrespecting their parents. Jesus respected his parents. And from this intense experience of parenthood, Jesus taught us to call God "our Father".

As children grow up, they take up the responsibility of their parents and serve society. Now, we see selfishness abound - children leaving their parents or childish irresponsible adults committing one immorality after another. Jesus' formation at home enabled him to do his Father's will and be the source of salvation for many.

Take the Holy Family as the model of our families.

photo: Immaculate Conception Parishes and Schools

Solemnity of Mary, the mother of God

We celebrate New Year with Mary as mother of God.

We don't just make New year resolutions. In the eyes of faith, we are provided that direction of becoming better, of growing up and maturing in our faith, that as the years go by, we would see how deeper we are living out our Christian life and how the Lord becomes real for us.

Mary played a big role in bringing hope and meaning to mankind's history. By bringing Jesus into the world, the world became sanctified. That is why we recognize her as the mother of God. But we also recognize Mary's role as the mother of the Church. She gathers her children and teaches us the way to her Son.

Let us rid ourselves of any doubt as to Mary's role or downgrade her position before God. For she will always be a mother to us to lead us back to her Son, Jesus.

Photo: Boston Catholic Journal


Epiphany commemorates the manifestation of the Lord. It is symbolized by the star in the night sky which was the guiding light of the magi in their journey toward Jesus. On the other hand, Herod wanted to kill the child Jesus, he also wanted to see him, but because of his foolishness he couldn't detect the sign.

Many people are now misled. They have chosen to live in darkness instead of the light. But they are badly mistaken. How long will it be before they realize the futility of going in the wrong direction, of living in darkness? As Christmas is formally ending with Epiphany, may the same feast be the beginning of our lives to see and love Christ, to nourish Him by makingour Christian commitments alive and growing.

Photo: Diocese of Springfield, Illinois
